+91 9116307383

Our Mission & Objectives

  • To work for underprivileged, vulnerable section of the community for their overall development and awareness programs.
  • To create a balance between and natural resource development
  • To promote educational, cultural, social and economic development of the poor and weaker section of the society
  • To improve the nutritional and health status of women, adolescents and children supporting for their proper psychological, physical and social development.
  • To reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropout.
  • To provide opportunities to develop skills and talents of children, women, and youth with the aim of generating a sustainable income and be independent to march with the time and age.
  • To take up programs aimed at protecting, empowering and promoting the rights of the girls, women, older people, transgender and the disabled, ensuring inclusive growth, leaving no one behind.
  • To organize lectures, seminars Trainings, Tours, exposure visits, event management and workshops to strengthen and promote the culture and heritage of the society.
  • To inculcate in and encourage men and women, who have the capacity and are willing to devote it, to undertake social work in the service of the needy; to serve humanity, by individual work, as well as by participating in group activities in social service.
  • To provide legal aid to those who cannot afford it.
  • To empower people to develop and deploy innovation to solve water, agriculture, climate changes challenges
  • To bring social justice to poor and weaker section of the society.
  • To create sense of brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongst the people and to help them in distress by taking up the matter with the authority concerned.
  • To work for preservation of ecology and environment. And create mass awareness amongst people for plantation, sanitation, cleanliness and deforestation.
  • To work for literacy, both male and female, including financial, computer and digital literacy
  • To take up Public Interest Litigations for important public issues
  • To work for increasing employability of the people through sustainable development programs
  • To work for innovative traditional agriculture practices, water technologies and other livelihood options.
  • To take up entrepreneur and processing programs aimed to make people self-reliant and promotion of cottage industry, new technologies development centres, renewable energy, etc.
  • To provide a forum and a centre for exchange of information about social work in different spheres.
  • To identify spheres in which social work is required and to start appropriate projects with service to humanity as the end in view.
  • To establish and maintain welfare hostels, ashrams, Dharamshala's, skill development training centres, etc. and as such to render assistance to the poor, marginalized, handicapped, widows, orphans, mentally retired, street children, homeless, aged and victims of disaster and calamities, etc.
  • To work spread awareness and support about government schemes that help society at large.
  • To work in close cooperation with other welfare organizations, Institutions, Govt. CSR, and agencies working in the same fields
  • To work for the benefit of Armed Forces Veterans, War Widows and their Dependent
  • Waterbodies rejuvenation work for community
  • Water, Food and nutrition for communities.
  • "Educate girls campaign" to support deprived families girls' education
  • Capacity building and skill building programme for adolescent girls and women
  • Emergency / pandemic relief.
  • Health hygiene kits supplies for communities
  • Continuing the support in pandemics- Food and Hygiene Kits, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health workers, front line workers, volunteers & IEC material, etc.
  • Bridge course for housekeeping women and slum's children's
Karunalya Foundation Karunalya Foundation