Education is the one of our prime moto for sustainable economic development of the poor and weaker section of the society. It allows future generations' access to new ideas and resources. Karunalya Foundation has been a strong proponent of education for the poor of the Thar Desert (Rajasthan) and has hopes of giving children a brighter and financially secure future.
Karunalya Foundation works in a cluster of city slums and rural villages of Rajasthan, India. In the region, a large number of children are working as laborers in stone mines, slums and other industries. Foundation works actively to ensure that these children come out of the trade, go to school and grow like normal children.
Our Programmes
- Educate Girls : “Pathshala”
The organization led the ‘educate girls’ campaign for girls from very poor background who live in urban slums and hamlets of rural villages with the objective to educate them and to raise funds for their exam & tuition fees. These, with the organization’s efforts, it is successfully able to raise funds from community to pay the exam and tuition fees of more than 300 students. The target set for this campaign is 1000 such needy girls. The campaign is set continue till the target is achieved. We also providing Bicycles scholarships, educational, etc support to rural slums children through bridge course “Pathshala”
Girls attending the classes
- Educate Girls
Foundation started a campaign Educate Girls to support their education of these single parents' children to continuing their education in nearby schools. The foundation also provides the educational fellowship support “Educate Girls” for 10 destitute girls for continuing their education and stops the dropout of the girls through this valuable support. This supports are very effective and remarkable for single parents' girls who has mother OR father only.
Educate Girls Campaign I am fundraising for a cause close to my heart, to bring a lasting change in the lives of the underprivileged. To help me create more impact and touch more lives, I need your support and contribution. Please back my fundraiser so that together we can build a better India for all of us.
Pledge your support, DONATE NOW for 'One Meal for Educate One Child'Impact
Educational and nutritive supports will be given to school going girls from families of single parent or mother headed household or families of deceased parents during pandemic. It is proposed to provide examination fee of Rs 500 and Rs 450 for nutritive support to a girl from above distressed families. The nutritive support will contain dry take home ration like pulses (1 kg), wheat flour (5 kgs) and supplement power (1/2 kg) sufficient for 20-25 days for a girl of age group 14-18 years. It is envisioned that these girls will be able to continue their studies without stress and with dedication which was not possible for them earlier due to reduced family income after loss of bread earner. We propose to support 100 such girls from distressed families in continuing their studies.Educate Girls Campaign Story of Kiran
Kiran belongs to poor unprivileged family living in outskirt of Jodhpur. She is 14 years old adolescence girl. When she was in 9th in 2020 the pandemic occurred and she lost her father who was the only bread earner for the family of 5 members including her mother and two younger siblings. Her mother is now managing household needs with meager income comes to home by doing domestic helps in vicinity. Now Kiran entered in 10th standard and for giving examination she needs to pay examination fee of Rs 500/-. To manage this fee, she started helping her mother in doing her job. But it was impacting her study and health as well. The “Karunalya Social Welfare Foundation” outreach worker came to know about situation of Kiran. The organization assisted Kiran with fee and some nutritive support so that she can concentrate on study rather than working outside. Now Kiran is stress free with this support. Kiran filled the examination form with great joy and also passed it. The joy of passing exam on her face is splendid. Her mother also pleased with this support and paid thanks to donor.