Capacity Building: Empowering Communities
- Self-Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs)
We promote women's empowerment by forming SHGs and JLGs, enabling women to:
- Discuss critical issues like domestic violence and personal development.
- Learn essential skills, including record-keeping, to manage collective savings and loans.
- Start micro-enterprises like sewing, dairying, and cooperative shops, fostering financial independence.
- Women have collectively accessed over ₹2.5 crores in loans over five years, with timely repayments and no defaults.
- Instils a sense of pride and self-worth among the women.
- Illiterate women now efficiently manage finances and records.
- Trust-building activities like bank visits have helped women feel confident about formal banking systems.
- Village Development Committees (VDCs)
VDCs act as decentralized institutional bodies managing local development.
- They oversee village resources, selection of beneficiaries, resolve disputes, and implement community-led programs.
- Women's participation in these committees ensures inclusive decision-making.
- Village Education Committees (VECs)
Education is a cornerstone of development. VECs are a formal decentralised institutional body in every village to manage village development affairs and to ensure participation of villagers at all stages of the programme.
- VECs actively mobilize community support for children’s education, especially young girls.
- They work to address barriers, such as parental reluctance and socio-economic challenges, to ensure higher school enrollment rates.
- Our Commitment to Sustainability
At Karunalya Social Welfare Foundation, we integrate traditional knowledge with innovative solutions to create sustainable, thriving communities. Together, we can build a resilient future for the Thar Desert.