+91 9116307383

Health & Sanitation

The Thar Desert region faces significant health challenges due to a lack of healthcare facilities, sanitation, and referral services. Common diseases often go untreated until critical stages. Moreover, unhygienic conditions, especially during the rainy season, lead to water contamination.

Through the WASH Program (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene):

  • Communities have become more aware of personal and social hygiene.
  • Women and children are healthier due to better practices and increased literacy on health issues.
  • Training sessions educate families about healthcare and the importance of sanitation.
Food & Hygine Kit Distribution
An outreach medical amp

The threat of malnutrition, constant dehydration and communicable disease, as well as of non-communicable diseases is high in the Thar Desert. Frequent droughts bring crop failure and inadequate sanitation to the already difficult lives of villagers. Coupled with a lack of healthcare, education and financial means surrounding health issues it makes those living the Thar particularly susceptible to disease and premature mortality.

Our Programmes

FREE N95 Mask Distribution Drive

Karunalya Foundation distributes more than 15000 N-95 masks during Covid-19 pandemic. Karunalya Foundation is thankful to United Way of Bengaluru, Action Covid-19 Team Grants (ACT), who accept our request through GRAVIS network. ACT support really very encouraging and meaningfully for such front liners and health care givers and volunteers. We also setup an ACT-cell for mange the N-95 mask distribution programme in leadership of Ms. Poonam Singh Executive Director of the Foundation. Ms Poonam Singh and Ms. Pooja Varma participated so many online trainings on COVID-19 pandemic, these trainings organised by Sphere (COVID-19 Academy) India with the collaborations of World Health Organisation (WHO), Unicef India, World food program.

N95 Mask Distribution
N95 Mask Distribution Drive
Food & Hygiene Kit Distribution

In pandemics we delivered Food and Hygiene Kits, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health workers, front line workers, volunteers & IEC material, etc. Organization of a community-based health programme benefiting over 15,000 people with a focus on women, girls and elderly. Foundation work closely with Front line workers, ASHA, Govt. Health departments and their staff during COVID-19 pandemics. Foundation distributes 10000 environment friendly sanitary pads for adolescent girls and women. These sanitary pads washable and will be used 70 times.

Food & Hygine Kit Distribution
Food & Hygine Kit Distribution in village
Food & Hygine Kit Distribution
Food & Hygine Kit Distribution in village
Karunalya Foundation Karunalya Foundation